Sun, 17 Nov 1996
In reading all that you have placed here, I have finally seen the most despicable form of human: that which suscribes its existence to myth and folklore. Yet some of what you say is true. And that makes the betrayal worse. Long ago you gave up on pride and rationality, and substituted achievement for ostentation. Confusion as a blessing? Certainly not in any world that I live in, and contrary to popular belief, there is only one world. The question you have to ask yourselves is "Why are you afraid of yourself?"
Mon, 18 Nov 1996
Nibel Jung WarriorCardinal, Mortelia ShadowScryeress, and Athame LoreWeaver, of the Cabal
*** Nibel Jung opens a new bottle of Rioja and sits down on the bench besides the circle. He is soon joined by Mortelia and Athame. ***
Nibel: Now, this is a speecher for my palate. Self-assured, upset, well at least somewhat, and enjoyable.
Mortelia: I don't know, dear. He sounds a little unimaginiative to me.
Nibel: But he maintains a certain intellectual standard, you must admit that. And he is the first that has realized the concept of the Betrayal. He may even have been Below.
Mortelia: Are you certain of that he means the Betrayal, cherished flame? A lot of them easily feel betrayed or insulted when a world does not align with their perceptions. Remember that he stated the subscription to myth and folklore as base.
Nibel: But I'm feeling base tonight!
Athame: You speak true, my exquisite sister. I percieve him as only another follower of the simplified paradigm of duality, which has been cherished so long by the Western Intellectual Tradition. De Rerum Natura, as Lucretius named his poem.
Mortelia: But it is the ruling paradigm of that culture, isn't it? Therefore he is bound to repeat it, my sensual Dagger. And that knowing of the support he automatically will recieve from his peers.
Athame: Yes, but they forget that the Ruler is not the sole Citizen of the Realm.
Nibel: But I'm still feeling base tonight...
Mortelia: Well, terminology like 'rationality', 'achievement' and 'only one world' does give it away a little. And he seems afraid of confusion. Maybe he is fostered to the comfort-craving majority?
Nibel: Hey! I haven't achieved anything! Maybe I should try being ostensive for a while. It may prove entertaining.
Mortelia: That's ostentatious, little wolfhead, and we are already being that.
Athame: It is amusing that he presumes that we gave up on rationality, since it assumes that we once subscribed to it. Then again, presume and presumptuous do both stem from the Latin words præ and sumere, the latter meaning to take. And his culture has always been good at taking. That's why we honour them, albeit in our own fashion. Remember what is stated in the Codex Cabalii.
Nibel: But I am afraid of myself once in a while. Sometimes I hardly dare go to sleep out of fear, so he must be partially right, must he not?
Athame: Everything is partial, Nibel.
Nibel: True, delighted one. Frolic, my gorgeous Shadow?
Mortelia and Nibel Jung exit the room whilst Athame remains, finishing the full-bodied Rioja. He gazes into the dark void, and gently smiling, salutes the memory of his beautiful black viper.
Wed, 20 Nov 1996
Fostered to the comfort craving majority? Hardly. I do not fear confusion, for in this world confusion is something that is of the external, brought within. I do not humble myself by granting the curse of confusion to myself. Lest I fall, I am serene in the gloom, self controlled and self motivated. It is rather pedestrian for me to question your standing, but question it I must, to realize your place in Life.
I am abnormally aware of a Betrayal in this world, and am even now fighting that which you advocate, knowingly or unknowingly. Do you know the colour of Truth? It is good that you admit your fear, and better that I was the one who knew your Fount, and what the essence of its waters were.While the world spins in a mad frenzy, I stay singular. This, gentle reader, is my triumph. Perhaps one you may never know.
Wed, 20 Nov 1996
Yes you would shun rationality, wouldn't you? Roman parades and false crusades are the dish in your household. Bitter Vinegar as wine.
Wherein lies your definition? How fast can you run on dead legs? My code of morality keeps me from such tasks, for my legs are PURPOSEFUL and hold my motivations as their concern. In essence, we are both guilty of the same crime, for you speak of your defilements across the world and I bother to write about my disagreements. I am just a little more honest in my intentions. Why don't you give up? you're not accomplishing anything, I thought that mosquitoes lacked a purpose. The Betrayal that i spoke of was consummated long ago, by very insecure people. Look ahead. What do you see? Your vision is a judgement of your character. My Vision will, for my sake, remain unstated. Perhaps you see it in time. Look inside your poetry for your answers.
Thu, 21 Nov 1996
Nibel Jung, WarriorCardinal and Mortelia, ShadowScryeress of the Cabal
Nibel: Hmmm... Do you still find him unimaginative?
Mortelia: No, it's actually quite poetical. Some parts a little too much of the christian legacy, perhaps. But poetical, none the less.
Nibel: Except that part of staying singular being a triumph. It's no fun. I wonder if they have a counterpart of the Swedish proverb; "Alone is strong"? I always liked the part "...because he doesn't have anyone else to compare himself with." best.
Mortelia: Perhaps he is stressing that he is individual, my little brute?
Nibel: Oh. Yes, that's rather fashionable these days, isn't it?
Mortelia: Quite.
Nibel: Still, I enjoy him even more now. Bitter vinegar for wine? Now, that may be an idea... But crusades always gives a bad aftertaste and I've always hated the Roman cuisine of philosophies and religion. Too intellectual.
Mortelia: Don't let Athame hear you say that. You know how fond he is of quoting the Roman Classics.
Nibel: Hmph. Perhaps that's why he hate their culture so much. I think he sometimes tickle my brain with his Dagger purely for entertainment.
Mortelia: Now, now, cherised challenge. You love his own quotes. Speaking of Truth, as our dear Masephul just did, remember "How pitied is he, who sees but a single red rose, whilst walking through the plethoric garden."
Nibel: Guilty as charged, my clever distraction. I wonder if Masephul accomplishes anything or if it's just his own opinion?
Mortelia: There is no difference, nor contradiction between them, sweet steel. If he percieves something as an accomplishment, in his world it will be one.
Nibel: But Athame drank what was left of the Rioja. And all this thinking and talking has made my throat and brain dry. I hope Masephul feels serenely self-controlled and self-motivated enough and not too misunderstood and alone.
Mortelia: What makes you draw such a conclusion?
Nibel: He doesn't know the purpose of mosquitoes.
Nibel leaves to sit on the roof and to ponder upon Paul Walboom's intriguing art. Mortelia remains, knowing that her companion Athame will be busy preparing for his beautiful viper's 20th birthday.
Wed, 20 Nov 1996
In your discussion, you have committed an error. I do not say that myth and floklore are base, I say that when you subsitute them for a code of Reason and individuality you corrupt their nature. Myth and folklore are a transient thing at best, diverting when necessary, but doomed to ignomy in the mind of the rational.
One thing that I notice is that you seem to proudly wield the power of the paradox. The paradox was created to justify the inconsistencies in a person, whether mental or spiritual. The need to have a statement to back your shifting attitudes and mindframes. There are four kinds of murderers. One is the man who kills in the defense of the Ideal. His cause is his own, and none are expected to understand him fully. Then there is the mindless zombie who kills without rational or purpose. This form of murderer has become popular with the underground horror scene. The third kind is the unassuming murderer. This is a person who doesn't kill through any direct action of his own, rather it is his inattentive nature and the ability to ignore allperceptions of doing anything, whether beneficial or not. Finally, the fourth. This is the person who understands his own mediocrity, whether self imposed or not, and proudly boasts it. From what I can see, you fall into this category.
I am a person who values myself more than any other person alive. Thus do I recognize your implications as one most dangerous, and I recognize you as my enemy. In truth, I believe that my existence matters little to you. My statements are placed within your home palace, and I expect them to ring backward from the walls unheard. But the question that plagues me is WHY?
Fri, 22 Nov 1996
Athame, LoreWeaver of the Cabal
"The cloak of Paradox is perchance the foremost of resources available to a Child of Cabal. It can be displayed as a tool of deception during Betrayal, as an obscurement whilst returning to the shadows or otherwise as gaudy trinket displayed to the common man for drawing his attention away from the true purpose of a Child's visit."
Codex Cabalii, Liber II: 'The Light Under the Bushel'
Mortelia, feeling somewhat benandantic tonight asked me to comfort you with the statement that you need not fear anymore. Being acknowledged as an existing being is a common human desire. We therefore extend our belief of your existence to you, though we do not claim to know where, under what circumstances, nor that it is of any value to us. Then again, even our WarriorCardinal doubt his own existence occasionally.
As Nibel is still on the roof, she has also asked me to clarify a statement of his: Confusing lack of usefulness from an anthropocentric perspective with a larger purpose is simply arrogance, and something Nibel doesn't look kindly upon. Especially not since his father was an animal (according to the one claiming to be his mother).
While it may not be percieved as an insult to him, he might feel insulted anyhow.
On behalf of the mosquitoes.
Wed, 20 Nov 1996
Perpetual, serene
Enticing to the mind
A cry of pain, ecstatic, heartfelt
Sounds forth, to echo back
>From the cavernous walls
A deity, morose, upon its throne
Secure in its designs
Reads from the Book Never Penned
In a Voice Never Heard
Soft, insinuating, the tepid coils of the serpent
Weave a web of everlasting confinement
In the Dungeons of Eternal Bliss
I would ask: Have I defined it well enough?
Fri, 22 Nov 1996
A dance of swordplay, wordstrung steel I possess. I have spent my 19 years gathering the knowledge to spar with you. As a concession, I actually am looking forward to coming here to great you with my power.
This world has placed me in the middle, dragged and scarred by both sides. Do you not see the great achievement in surviving this long? The oldest and wisest among this world are too shallow to deal with me, yet I find myself attracted here. Well I have always desired an audience, even if it is to be a mere three.
Have any of my words affected you? Have you become more aware of Reality because of me. Like all true Philosophers, I am to teach, but I find that my audience does not listen. Grow within. The mind is a beacon, a laser to destroy all ignorance and vanity. How many faces do you care to show?
Endless thought
Endless mind
Endless desire
Endless life
Endless Me
Yes, indeed
Fri, 22 Nov 1996
The Ruler is the ONLY Citizen of the Realm. The rest are guests.
Sat, 23 Nov 1996
Nibel Jung WarriorCardinal, Mortelia ShadowScryeress, and Athame LoreWeaver, of the Cabal
Nibel: Last I counted it was 42.
Athame: It looks like you're intuition was right, Shadowy sister. His desire for having his existence acknowledged outside himself is rather appearent. But it strikes me as simple youthful vanity is the main source.
Mortelia: Come, come, soft vispherer. You had the same philosophical aspirations at that age as well...
Athame: Yes, maybe I did. I hardly remember.
Nibel: Hmph. I'd say his steel is becoming blunt. Now, this idea about Machines on the other hand...
Athame: Not blunt enough yet, pillaging brother. He is still experiencing the shackles of mediocrity, supplied by his peers, yet unwittingly put there by himself. Given time, not only will his sword be blunted, but he will become accustomed to his fetters and percieve them as perfectly natural. Doesn't the Codex Cabalii have something upon that subject, desirable Keeper?
Mortelia: Well, "Patience is a great virtue as the Child of Cabal travels the Way of Scavengrie, yet her foremost peril, as it is the greatest asset, paired with ingorance, of the society she dwells within. The society present will oft employ the power of passively waiting out the percieved threat, in order to make it go away. If the Child of Cabal percieves this it can be used to great advantage, but only as long as she is liberated from the desire of having any ethics or the delusion of making an impression upon the society present. That is not the Way of Scavengrie."
Have you found anything useful in his speeches yet, seductor of innocents?
Athame: No, but it was entertaining.
Nibel: 42 faces, that is.
Mortelia and Athame exit the Curia, whilst Nibel remains, sulking that no one wants to hear his great new idea about Machines. He finds himself in an abusive mood, that will linger long after the reasons for this is forgotten. Which may happen in the nearest hours.
Fri, 22 Nov 1996
Yes, I am misunderstood and alone. I would have it no other way. Advocates of Culture fear me, yet can never say why. I believe that you however, know quite well the reason, for you paraphrased it.
I am also angry. In this world I am made to struggle, while my efforts are pushed in my face. My strength a damnation, sociologically I am a failure. Whoever states to me that this failure should be a concern to me, deserves every True Unhappiness that Life can give them.
While I am full of deep emotions, my rationality and Self-Purpose will carry me onward, never noticing my downfalls, if I've had any. I'm not quite sure.
I am called Evil. A paradox that is, as even you must know. My achievements? I shall list them.
My Mind
My Will
My Life
To consider anything else an achievement is folly.
Fri, 22 Nov 1996
The one major fault that I find with you is your dependency on other peoples' quotes. Where is your originality? Can you not think for yourselves? Or do you fancy the mixed nut ideology?
My way of Life is this: A strategy of contemplation, serene and violent. Thus my creativity. Half of what I say and think is drenched in blood, for like an architect, I make good use of my materials. But my materials are of my Consciousness, while many others use balsa wood to build a skyscraper. Do you now wonder at the bitterness of a genius that is not even wanted? I could save this whole planet, yet because I possess no one to quote or lean upon, I am judged wrong and a danger.
Do you not see a reason to celebrate? What brought you to the point where your Life was removed, and Death became your goal? A Great Work is in mind. Answer yourselves with discarded mirrors.
Sun, 24 Nov 1996
Athame, LoreWeaver of the Cabal
You consider your mind, will and life your only achievements, in fact the only worthwile considering? How wonderful. Your mind? Your mind? Though thoughts may be concieved within that precious mind of yours, you have to use words of a language to give them any substance whatsoever, in order to convey them. That language is not yours, but given to you by the majority, ergo their limits define yours.
Your will suffer from the same imprisonment as the mind, though, I give you that, they are both free to make their own interpretations of the concepts the majority has provided for you. So if you wish to play with a red ball, a green, a blue and dream of getting a golden one one day, the majority is quite likely to allow you. That is the wonder of percieved freedom. You are allowed to shift around the limited options provided you. Just don't ask for a uqtsnian ball, as its existence falls outside the limits. The punishment and correction is likely to be
But neither your mind, nor your will would have had any form, any Gestalt without the prime pre-requisite, which you also state; your life.
Only, your life did not come into being by your own accomplishment. It was concieved, either intentionally or un-intentionally through a carnal act of your parents, through the penetration of a sperm invading an ova, giving you little say in the matter.
All in all, sounds less than a feat and not much of an accomplishment. Perhaps you should join us.
Wed, 27 Nov 1996
Nibel Jung, famished WarriorCardinal of the Cabal
It is a common error made by the common man to confuse "wild" with merely "active". The same usually goes for "evil", a fleeting, subjective evaluation and therefore without value. It is our in our nature to use the works of others. But only in quoting do we retain the tradition of acknowledging the source.
This is a little passage I found in the Ædicula. It is from the preface of Percy Bysshe Shelley's 'Prometheus Unbound'. Ponder upon it, self-proclaimed saviour.
"Whatever talents a person may possess to amuse and instruct others, be they ever so inconsiderable, he is yet bound to exert them: if his attempt be ineffectual, let the punishment of an unaccomplished purpose have been sufficient; let none trouble themselves to heap the dust of oblivion upon his efforts; the pile they rise will betray his grave which might otherwise have been unknown."
Thu, 5 Dec 1996
The lad enters the Gate for yet another time. He does not like the view, accustomed as he is to it. The air is loose, orgiastic, and appaling. None of this touches him.
Wielding his Mind, he constructs a table in the center of the room. It is black and smooth and sturdy. It is a Great Work. Pulling from his long black robes a piece of parchment, he writes, using the black desk to hold the parchment for the black ink he uses. It does not take him long to write his message, and finishing, he leaves it upon the table, and leaves, carrying with him his Power.
With a strong voice he speaks a profound Insight:
My Ideal never has to be defended, for it is that which is exposed to sight and rainfall that requires protection, and never once in my life have I stated my Ideal.
It cannot be considered Evil, for even Evil has an identity.
The Void is not empty for there are things filling it, but the things filling it are empty and still manage to grant Void a sense of Tangibility.
Many grow to admire such a person, for they can adapt to anything, for there are no rules, no absolutes, yet these considerations become absolutes by their use, only to be denied and forgotten at anytime. This person hates, fears, and admires themselves all at the same time, never knowing the Great Thought of One. Of course, this conception won't last long. The Betrayer is ever afraid of being caught, and of reaching a stable point in anything, for there is no Challenge in such activity.
Remember this, a persons words cannot be his own downfall, if used by others. They do not apply to his circumstances, and any attempt to destroy a person with his own words becomes pedestrian in effectiveness, as long as the person realizes this Morality.
The message on the table reads thus:
"I have finished with my study. No longer does your Curia hold any understanding for me. I have learned that I am truly Mighty. Your Book is hidden from me, and I remove my firm hand from this place.
Never will you hear my voice again in this chamber. Perhaps we meet in a more decent place, where my Rulership shall be unveiled, and I shall deal with you then. The Reason? I state it now.
May these be the last words I ever speak.
Masephul, the Righteous Truthbringer"
*Out of the shadows, steps the WarriorCardinal, with a gleeful smile on his lips and a device of manipulation in his hand. It looks as if he has amused himself yet again.*