"I am an Angel.
I kill first-borns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls and from now until Kingdom come, the only thing you can count on in existance, is never understanding why."
Gabriel in The Prophecy
"Did you ever notice in the Bible, that whenever God needed to punish someone, or make an example, or whenever God needed a killing, He sent an Angel? Did you ever wonder what a creature like that must be like? The whole Existence spent praising your God, but always with one wing dipped in blood. Would you really want to see an Angel?"
"...-it was God himself who at the end of his labour lay down as a serpent under the Tree of Knowledge: It was thus he recuperated from being God... He had made everything too beautiful... The Devil is merely the idleness of God on that seventh day..." Nietzche: on Beyond Good and Evil, Ecce Homo
Lucifer Undressed: The origins of the Christian Devil
Disclaimer: The Cabal does not concern itself with the Christian religion nor Satanism, which, if existing as such, is considered only a heresy within that particular faith. (Satanism cannot exist as a faith per se, since its fundament is the opposition of Yahweh.) This text is published purely as an entertaining research about a common misconception.
The name satan is origianlly a Hebrew word meaning 'adversary'. A satan is merely an opponent and not necessarily a supernatural one. The Philistines refused to accept David, for fear that he turn against them in battle and would become their satan. (I Samuel 29.4) The Hebrew faith went through two fundamental changes: the Babylonian exile and the finding of Deuteronomy in 7th C. BCE. (The impact of the latter will be treated in a future) It is in passages written after the exile that 'the satan' first appears. He is an angel and a member of Yahweh's court who acts as an accuser of men before Yahweh. (Zechariah , Job ch. 1-2). But the angel acts only under the god's instruction and he is experienced as performing a useful function, trying to expose the alleged wickedness inherent in mankind according to the Hebrew and Christian beliefs.
The concept of Yahweh as being entirely good developed after the Exile, possibly as an inspiration from the Zoroastrian faith. Later Jewish writers thus tended to separate good and evil and had to define God's acts in the earlier scripts contradicting this concept to an evil entity or angel. When the story of David numbering Israel and God's vengeance for this crime was first told (2 Samuel, prob. dated 8th C. BCE), Yahweh puts the idea of taking the census into David's mind. But when this story is later retold (I Chronicles, prob. dated 4th C. BCE), it is Satan who is the culprit. The latter is the only time in the Old Testament, Satan appears as a proper name.
The Greek translation of the Old Testament used the word 'diabolos', meaning 'an accuser', with the implication of a slanderer.
Christianity elaborated the concept of the Devil, by using the famous passage from Isaiah, originally meant for the King of Babylon; How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nations! ... (Isaiah 14.12-15). Lucifer, in Hebrew Helel ben Shahar, means 'day-star, son of the dawn'. In Jewish, Arab, Greek and Roman tradition, the day-star (Venus) was identified as male. In Greek, it was Phosphoros, and in Roman, Lucifer, both words meaning 'light-bearer'.
As I enter the Temple,
I recall the Name of Uthnapishtim, Survivor of the Flood, First Immortal.
As I enter the Temple,
I recall the Name of Urshanabi, Grey Power of Secrets, Eternal Ferryman.
As I enter the Temple,
I recall the Name of Sajadu Habilu-Amelu, Stalker of Mankind, Oldest of Us.
As I enter the Temple,
I recall that No One rules me.
The UDJAT (Eye of Horus),
should be made either of lapis-lazuli or of Mak stone in order to obtain the full benefit of the amulet.
For some rituals it is necessary to plate it with gold and to craft it at summer solstice as well.
"The god Tahuti hath brought the UDJAT, and he hath made it to rest after it departed. O Ra. It was grieviously afflicted by the storm, but Tahuti made it to rest after it departed out of the storm.
I am sound and it is sound;
I am sound and it is sound;
And Nebseni, the Lord of piety is sound."
This is an ancient �gyptian evocation of the Hidden Lady within Earth-below:
� mut ur �n
�n sefekh mesu-s
� netert �at
em khen en Tuaut
shetat sep sen
�tet rekh-s
� netr�i urt
�n sefekh-tu qer�s-s
� sefekh senhu-s
� Hapt
�n ert�-tu uat-� en �q er-es m��t
Shept ba en �s�r
Khui-s em khen en